Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- PyYAML - YAML parser and emitter for Python
- p11-kit - Library for loading and sharing PKCS#11 modules
- p11-kit-trust - System trust module from p11-kit
- pam - An extensible library which provides authentication for applications
- pango - System for layout and rendering of internationalized text
- parted - The GNU disk partition manipulation program
- passwd - An utility for setting or changing passwords using PAM
- pciutils - PCI bus related utilities
- pciutils-libs - Linux PCI library
- pcre - Perl-compatible regular expression library
- perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
- perl-Carp - Alternative warn and die for modules
- perl-Encode - Character encodings in Perl
- perl-Error - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
- perl-Exporter - Implements default import method for modules
- perl-File-Path - Create or remove directory trees
- perl-File-Temp - Return name and handle of a temporary file safely
- perl-Filter - Perl source filters
- perl-Getopt-Long - Extended processing of command line options
- perl-Git - Perl interface to Git
- perl-HTTP-Tiny - Small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
- perl-PathTools - PathTools Perl module (Cwd, File::Spec)
- perl-Pod-Escapes - Perl module for resolving POD escape sequences
- perl-Pod-Perldoc - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format
- perl-Pod-Simple - Framework for parsing POD documentation
- perl-Pod-Usage - Print a usage message from embedded POD documentation
- perl-Scalar-List-Utils - A selection of general-utility scalar and list subroutines
- perl-Socket - Networking constants and support functions
- perl-Storable - Persistence for Perl data structures
- perl-TermReadKey - A perl module for simple terminal control
- perl-Text-ParseWords - Parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays
- perl-Time-HiRes - High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers
- perl-Time-Local - Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
- perl-constant - Perl pragma to declare constants
- perl-libs - The libraries for the perl runtime
- perl-macros - Macros for rpmbuild
- perl-parent - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
- perl-podlators - Format POD source into various output formats
- perl-threads - Perl interpreter-based threads
- perl-threads-shared - Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads
- pinentry - Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
- pinfo - An info file viewer
- pixman - Pixel manipulation library
- pkgconfig - A tool for determining compilation options
- plymouth - Graphical Boot Animation and Logger
- plymouth-core-libs - Plymouth core libraries
- plymouth-scripts - Plymouth related scripts
- pm-utils - Power management utilities and scripts
- policycoreutils - SELinux policy core utilities
- policycoreutils-python - SELinux policy core python utilities
- polkit - An authorization framework
- polkit-pkla-compat - Rules for polkit to add compatibility with pklocalauthority
- popt - C library for parsing command line parameters
- postfix - Postfix Mail Transport Agent
- postgresql-libs - The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients
- procps-ng - System and process monitoring utilities
- psacct - Utilities for monitoring process activities
- psmisc - Utilities for managing processes on your system
- pth - The GNU Portable Threads library
- pyOpenSSL - Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
- pycairo - Python bindings for the cairo library
- pygobject2 - Python 2 bindings for GObject
- pygpgme - Python module for working with OpenPGP messages
- pykickstart - A python library for manipulating kickstart files
- pyliblzma - Python bindings for lzma
- pyparted - Python module for GNU parted
- pyserial - Python serial port access library
- python - An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
- python-IPy - Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks
- python-augeas - Python bindings to augeas
- python-babel - Library for internationalizing Python applications
- python-backports - Namespace for backported Python features
- python-backports-ssl_match_hostname - The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3
- python-blivet - A python module for system storage configuration
- python-chardet - Character encoding auto-detection in Python
- python-cllib - Common library for CloudLinux Applications
- python-configobj - Config file reading, writing, and validation
- python-coverage - Code coverage testing module for Python
- python-decorator - Module to simplify usage of decorators
- python-deltarpm - Python bindings for deltarpm
- python-devel - The libraries and header files needed for Python development
- python-dmidecode - Python module to access DMI data
- python-ethtool - Ethernet settings python bindings
- python-firewall - Python2 bindings for firewalld
- python-gobject - Python 2 bindings for GObject Introspection
- python-gobject-base - Python 2 bindings for GObject Introspection base package
- python-gudev - Python (PyGObject) bindings to the GUDev library
- python-hwdata - Python bindings to hwdata package
- python-iniparse - Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files
- python-ipaddress - Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6+
- python-jinja2 - General purpose template engine
- python-jsonpatch - Applying JSON Patches in Python
- python-jsonpointer - Resolve JSON Pointers in Python
- python-kitchen - Small, useful pieces of code to make python coding easier
- python-libs - Runtime libraries for Python
- python-linux-procfs - Linux /proc abstraction classes
- python-markupsafe - Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
- python-meh - A python library for handling exceptions
- python-meh-gui - Graphical user interface for the python-meh library
- python-nss - Python bindings for Network Security Services (NSS)
- python-ntplib - Python module that offers a simple interface to query NTP servers
- python-perf - Python bindings for apps which will manipulate perf events
- python-prettytable - Python library to display tabular data in tables
- python-pwquality - Python bindings for the libpwquality library
- python-pyblock - Python modules for dealing with block devices
- python-pycurl - A Python interface to libcurl
- python-pyudev - A libudev binding
- python-requests - HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
- python-rpm-macros - The unversioned Python RPM macros
- python-schedutils - Linux scheduler python bindings
- python-setuptools - Easily build and distribute Python packages
- python-simplejson - Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- python-six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
- python-slip - Miscellaneous convenience, extension and workaround code for Python
- python-slip-dbus - Convenience functions for dbus services
- python-srpm-macros - RPM macros for building Python source packages
- python-urlgrabber - A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
- python-urllib3 - Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post
- python2-blockdev - Python2 gobject-introspection bindings for libblockdev
- python2-futures - Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2
- python2-rpm-macros - RPM macros for building Python 2 packages
- python2-subprocess32 - Backport of subprocess module from Python 3.2 to Python 2.*
- pytz - World Timezone Definitions for Python
- pyxattr - Extended attributes library wrapper for Python