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abrt -
Automatic bug detection and reporting tool
abrt-cli -
Virtual package to make easy default installation on non-graphical environments
abrt-console-notification -
ABRT console notification script
abrt-dbus -
ABRT DBus service
alsa-tools-firmware -
ALSA tools for uploading firmware to some soundcards
alt-python27-libs -
Runtime libraries for Python
alt-python37-setuptools -
Easily build and distribute Python packages
anaconda -
Graphical system installer
anaconda-core -
Core of the Anaconda installer
anaconda-gui -
Graphical user interface for the Anaconda installer
anaconda-tui -
Textual user interface for the Anaconda installer
app-version-detector -
CMS scanner for websites and hosting
cryptsetup -
A utility for setting up encrypted disks
dosfstools -
Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux
ethtool -
Settings tool for Ethernet NICs
fcoe-utils -
Fibre Channel over Ethernet utilities
fros -
Universal screencasting frontend with pluggable support for various backends
gnupg2 -
Utility for secure communication and data storage
gpgme -
GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API
hyperv-daemons-license -
License of the HyperV daemons suite
iproute -
Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools
isomd5sum -
Utilities for working with md5sum implanted in ISO images
kexec-tools -
The kexec/kdump userspace component.
ledmon -
Enclosure LED Utilities
lshw -
HardWare LiSter
lsscsi -
List SCSI devices (or hosts) and associated information
lve-stats -
LVE statistics services version 3.0.7
lvemanager -
LVE control module for cPanel, Plesk, ISPManager, DirectAdmin, InterWorx
mlocate -
An utility for finding files by name
nm-connection-editor -
A network connection configuration editor for NetworkManager
ntpdate -
Utility to set the date and time via NTP
parted -
The GNU disk partition manipulation program
pciutils -
PCI bus related utilities
pinentry -
Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
plymouth-scripts -
Plymouth related scripts
procps-ng -
System and process monitoring utilities
psacct -
Utilities for monitoring process activities
psmisc -
Utilities for managing processes on your system
python-libs -
Runtime libraries for Python
python-setuptools -
Easily build and distribute Python packages
rdate -
Tool for getting the date/time from a remote machine
setserial -
A utility for configuring serial ports
setuptool -
A text mode system configuration tool
sg3_utils -
Utilities for devices that use SCSI command sets
sos -
A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
sssd-client -
SSSD Client libraries for NSS and PAM
sudo -
Allows restricted root access for specified users
sysstat -
Collection of performance monitoring tools for Linux
time -
A GNU utility for monitoring a program's use of system resources
usb_modeswitch -
USB Modeswitch gets mobile broadband cards in operational mode
usb_modeswitch-data -
USB Modeswitch gets mobile broadband cards in operational mode
usbutils -
Linux USB utilities
usermode -
Tools for certain user account management tasks
which -
Displays where a particular program in your path is located
yelp -
Help browser for the GNOME desktop
yelp-xsl -
XSL stylesheets for the yelp help browser